Friday Foreplay: Thoughts on Foreplay

How important is foreplay to you?

Tara: Some form of foreplay is a MUST.

Doug: It isn’t. It is fun, don’t get me wrong. But if I met a woman who really didn’t care about foreplay, I think that would be fine. Truthfully, however, and I am working on it, I have a hard time separating sex from a sexual time.  If that makes sense.

Savannah: Tough question, I think it depends on the day.  Foreplay is important at least some of the time.  I think my favorite thing about foreplay is that it is purely about the other party.  It is the time you use to show the other person how important they are to you.  Once in a while you just want to get to the sex, but foreplay can add a lot of new dimension to just about any sexual act.

When do you think foreplay begins?

Tara: Foreplay for me is a very broad spectrum. If you text me and tell me what you’re going to do to me later to get me all about it, I’d consider that foreplay. I have a pretty vivid imagination. The biggest turn on is when a guy I’m sleeping with comes over and whispers something naughty in my ear. Once that happens, I want to run right up the stairs. Basically, if it turns me on, it’s foreplay.

Doug: It can begin at any time and can take many forms. I think for most couples who spend a lot of time with each other, it begins with flirting on the couch. Or if they still go out on dates, it begins during the date. I think the better you get at it, the earlier it begins - earlier that evening, day, or even week.

Savannah: I believe foreplay can begin with just a look.  Sometimes all it takes is a look at your partner to get things started off.  Just the right smile or gleam in your eye can start your partner thinking, and as they always say, “It’s the thought that counts.”

What is your favorite “move”?

Tara: Oh man. My favorite move is what I call the “grab and go.” I kind of just walk past and grab him there. You know where.

Doug: Unfortunately, and it wasn’t until it was done to me one night when I was too lazy to cuddle and made her cuddle with me, my favorite move is the spoon-and-grope. It’s an annoying move that I sincerely apologize for, but will likely continue to like for the rest of my life.

Savannah: I think my favorite move is to deep throat.  I had a difficult time learning to do this, and I am still working on it.  My fiancé loves it though, and feeling and seeing his enjoyment adds to the seductive effect.

Tara is a twenty-something writer and student living in Pennsylvania.

Doug is a good friend and guest blogger who eats, drinks, and dates in San Francisco, though he is most successful with the drinking.

Savannah is Whoopie School’s lifestyle writer who has been swinging for over 4 years.


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