Entries Tagged 'Seasonal Sex Tips' ↓
July 27th, 2009 — Seasonal Sex Tips
Summer is the sexiest of seasons, and to prove it, the sex gets hotter in the summer as well. It’s like Spring is the long tease before everyone just takes their clothes off and gets busy already. And indeed, the summer brings bare skin and a burst of activity – biking, swimming, vacationing, hell, even sun-bathing is a verb. If you need further proof that sex is just better in the summer, here are our top 9 reasons.

Bare skin. Did we mention bare skin? Right, we did, but it’s worth mentioning again, because summer brings a festival of flesh barely covered in tank tops, skirts, swim suits, and flip flops. Even if the thought of wearing a bathing suit makes you cringe, you have to admit it’s pretty fun to take in the eye candy on the beach. An ordinary trip to the grocery store becomes a feast for the eyes - muscular shoulders in t-shirts, lean legs in skirts, and hard nipples in the freezer aisle. And all that bare skin gets you, and keeps you, thinking about sex all day.
Everyone looks more fit. While we’re all out and scantily clad, we are also probably at our trimmest for the year. Many people are more active in the summer, so even if that doesn’t mean you’re sporting six pack abs, it does mean you’re likely to have more energy and a higher libido, which definitely helps your sex life.
PDA is more acceptable. Whatever your position is on PDA, we collectively give people a little more slack in the summer when it comes to public affection. It’s like we all get that the less clothing means higher arousal, and we tolerate what everyone is getting up to in the park or on the beach.
Sunscreen massages. We’re all about safety first, so a day in the sun should always begin with a sunscreen rubdown. And if getting rubbed in all those hard to reach places turns you on, there’s no need to rush into your swimsuit. Just make sure your sunscreen is waterproof.
Freezable lube. Yes, there’s such a thing as freezable lube cubes, which got great reviews by Thursday’s Child, and yes, they’re perfect for summer sex.
Fresh fruit. While fresh fruit is usually known for it’s taste and nutritional value, in this case, it also adds to the sexiness of summer by making sweet, juicy mouths for kissing.
Vacation sex. Summer is the season for vacations, and vacations give us lots of time to enjoy relaxing, no-rush sex.
Pool toys. Even though you’re spending more time outside, you don’t have to leave your favorite vibrator indoors. There are a number of sex toys that are water-safe, so you can still have all the fun you’re used to inside, poolside.
Summer is fleeting. For those of us who live in seasonal climates, we know that summer is fleeting. And like an affair that you never want to end, but know it must, you savor the moment, and experience sensations more intensely, all because you know it is coming to an end.
Other seasons bring their own pleasures, but sex in the summer is certainly greatest. Don’t miss out on any of those 9 reasons to have great sex this season.
Image courtesy of alecani used under Creative Commons.
July 23rd, 2009 — Seasonal Sex Tips
Whether the dire economic situation is curtailing your travels or you just need some time off at home, staycations are the way many people are using their vacation days. If relaxing at home is your vacation goal this summer, there are still ways to have sex like you’re on vacation, even in the same old bedroom. Try some of these tips to have hot, carefree vacation sex in your own home.

Morning Sex. Nothing says “I don’t have to get out of bed for anything” better than morning sex. Morning sex affirms that you can take your time getting up, and helps start the day off in a relaxing way. So start your staycation with a morning shag. And go ahead and fall back to sleep. Because that’s how vacations are supposed to be.
Ambiance. If being in your usual space isn’t exactly turning you on, invest in a new set of sheets and some candles to up the romance factor and make your room feel like new. Candlelight, especially, does a great job of blocking out the laundry that you haven’t put away so you can pretend room service has taken care of your mess.
Massage. If you’re used to rushed quickies after The Daily Show during your M-F grind, then use your staycation as a chance to pamper each other. Give each other sensual massages. To add some imagination and island-flavor, put cucumbers on your partner’s eyes and let them fantasize that you are an island pool boy there to satisfy every desire.
Clothing optional. Imagine you were at a posh hotel and hang out in robes all day. There’s no rush or pressure to get dressed, so keep it as skimpy and comfortable as possible.
Cocktails. Just because you’re not on a tropical island doesn’t mean you can’t drink like you are. Mix up some dark & stormys or mojitos for a tropical feel.
Food. Grill up some romantic finger foods, like grilled pineapple and shrimp, and simmer a pot of mussels. Or skip the cooking altogether and get some oysters. The sensual experience of eating with your hands and tasting all the flavors will help you slow down and savor the moment.
Music. Put on some sexy music, or try some light reggae or jazz fusion to add some island ambiance.
Get outdoors. You may not be on a secluded beach, but you can still figure a way to get naked outside. Have a deck off your apartment? Drape the railing with some fabric, put pillows on the ground, and curl up with your honey without the neighbors knowing. Got a backyard? Get a hammock you and your partner can snuggle up on under the stars. No outdoor space? Set up a picnic on your living room floor, and leave the windows open for a summer breeze.
Unplug. Do not check work email. At all.
With a little attention to detail and some creativity, you can have a sexy staycation that is both affordable and relaxing.
February 13th, 2009 — Seasonal Sex Tips
If your idea of a pleasing Valentine’s Day includes snuggling, snacking, and getting scared out of your clothes, then the best date idea for you is . . . Friday the 13th.
Horror movies, while scary and gory, cause a rush of adrenaline. So while horror movies cause most people to feel fear while viewing, that fear and excitement becomes relief and arousal once the movie ends. It causes the so-called “snuggle effect,” which is perfect for Valentine’s Day.
Getting scared might be the best path to getting laid this Valentine’s Day.
February 3rd, 2009 — Seasonal Sex Tips

Image via riptheskull used under Creative Commons license.
I know I risk upsetting a stereotype of women by saying this, but I hate Valentine’s Day. I hate the commercialism, I hate the corny gifts, I hate the obligation to celebrate a love that I celebrate every day. I know the jewelers and teddy bear makers of the world have to make a buck, but I resent that they do so at the expense of making all women seem materialistic and shallow. No, I don’t want a heart-shaped ruby necklace, thank you very much.
That being said, I have a few things I REALLY want on Valentine’s Day that may just give you some out-of-the-box ideas, too. There are plenty of things that would rock my world on Valentine’s Day that don’t come in a little blue box, or even cost anything. Here’s my Valentine’s Day wish list:
A day without internet. It’s probably the least realistic thing on this list, but a day without the distractions of work, Facebook, IM, email, Cakewrecks (my fave blog du jour), Twitter, etc. would be amazing. We’d probably first have to get some anti-anxiety meds to ward off withdrawal symptoms, but I think after a few hours we would relish the calm and focus of being offline.
A body rubdown. While I would like this everyday, a thorough sensual massage tops my V-Day wish list. I’m all for cranking up the heat, busting out the massage oil, and rubbing each other down, especially if it ends in something akin to a nude oil wrestling match.
A new vibrator. Since I am not into jewelry, sex toys are my favorite accessories. I am currently coveting the Lelo Iris. It really is a gift that keeps on giving.
A ridiculous amount of foreplay. It’s easy to slack in the foreplay department in a long-term relationship once you’ve mastered your partner’s hot spots, so it’s good to get creative and re-explore your lover’s body in a lengthy foreplay session occasionally. Valentine’s Day is just one of those perfect occasions.
Hotel sex. I love staying in hotels, especially when it’s expressly to have sex in a new place. I don’t know if it’s the change of scenery or the knowledge that I don’t have to clean the bathtub, but I really enjoy a hotel weekend romp.
What do YOU really want for Valentine’s Day?
December 31st, 2008 — Seasonal Sex Tips

Just because you have someone to kiss when the ball drops does not mean that you will have an orgasmic New Year’s Eve. If 2009 is the year you want to take things to new sexual heights, then why not kick it off with fireworks and festivities all your own? Here’s how to guarantee some nookie on New Year’s Eve:
Set the mood. Tell your partner early in the day that you can’t wait to ravage his/her naked body at the end of the night. Continue teasing your partner throughout the day by whispering sweet nothings, sending dirty texts, and doing some light petting, but save the big release until after Ryan Seacrest says, “Seacrest out.”
Buy a sexy gift. Yes, we know that you’re probably inundated with gifts and broke after Christmas, but one extra item isn’t going to hurt. Buy a sexy gift for your partner (or for each other!) to lubricate the night for hot sex. Lingerie, cologne, a vibrator with a remote control are all gifts that keep on giving, especially if they give you and your partner a naughty secret to share when you’re out on the town.
Assume flirtatious personas. Sure, everyday you’re the bill-paying, house-cleaning, normal couple, but on New Year’s Eve you can be anyone you like. If you’re heading out to a party, get dressed separately and surprise your partner with a sexy outfit and attitude to match. If you’re staying in, try a little role-playing and live out a fantasy you’ve been thinking about.
Moderate alcohol consumption. While New Year’s Eve is certainly a festive occasion, drinking too much can be a buzz kill when it comes to sexual performance. If you’ve ever been horny while your partner was passed out in his/her own vomit, then you understand why this tip is important. Share a bottle of wine or order up some nice cocktails, but avoid mixing drinks and doing shots if you want sex to be the focus of the evening.
Dance. Whether you’re at a party or at home, put on some music that gets you in the mood and dance with each other. The physical closeness and touching is arousing, and the endorphins from dancing aren’t bad, either. If you’re not much of a dancer, you can achieve the same effect by touching your partner in a sensual, but non-sexual, way throughout the night. For example, brushing his arm as you hand him a drink or a putting your hand on her waist as you pass by are little erotic cues for what you have in mind later on.