Do You Kiss After Oral Sex?

In more than one drunk talk (a.k.a – research), the discussion has come up whether or not one kisses after oral sex. It’s a great question to bring up in a group of couples because the responses tend to lean in a predictable direction that is a ridiculous machismo double standard.

In my survey, (if I can call it research, then I can call my questions a survey), guys are asked: Imagine you are getting a blowjob as a pre-game to sex. She stops before you squirt, then moves up to start intercourse, and goes in for the kiss. Do you post-blowjob kiss?

I found there are really only two responses - the “no way” dudes and the “eh, whatever” guys.

I would love to say that the “no way” dudes had thoughtful, varied explanations, but it really wasn’t the case. Their responses were simply a knee-jerk reaction to something they thought they should think was gross or gay. While to each their own, I can’t imagine this type of thinking is opening any doors sexually. Even a “yeah, I am not really a fan of it, but now and then in the heat of the moment you lose track…” would be more understandable. But a flat-out no? I was surprised by the response.

I also found that these are the same guys who have no hesitation when asked if they thought their girls should kiss them post-eat out. “Oh yeah, that’s hot….” And they are right; it can be hot. Anything can be hot if you are into it. Sadly though, I think these men may need to step back and think about how their own inhibitions might affect the feelings of their women.

The other group of guys, whom I count myself among, are the “eh whatever” guys.  These guys generally are not out looking for some dick-tasting, but understand it more as a cost of doing business. Very rarely did I find anyone who was “into it,” but a number of guys were open to whatever happens during sex play.

While conducting my “survey” with women, I found the responses to be different and interesting. When asked if they would kiss a man after he’s gone down on her, most women fell into the “eh whatever” category, though nearly all appreciated a de-glazing of the lips on the way up to kiss. Further, unlike the men, many of the women thought it was hot either because it was in itself hot or because their guys though it was hot.

Very few women were in the “no way” camp; however, they do exist.

One of the best conversations I had was with two of my female friends. The first, a beautiful woman in her early 30s, said, “Yeah, of course he can eat me out and then kiss me.” She isn’t one to mince words. “What the fuck? It’s hot, I’ll give a blow job mid-fuck, so if I’ll do that, what’s the difference?”

My other friend, another beautiful 30 year old, looked at her puzzled. “If I am having sex, why would I want to stop?” It was a fair question, by all means. “Maybe to change positions,” she considered.

Proof once again that talking to women about sex is hot.

Oh, but I guess that wasn’t the purpose of my research. Honestly, I was surprised that women seemed more comfortable with the post-oral sex kiss. I imagined guys would be more into any sexual activity, especially if it involved a blowjob in some way. What do you think? Do you kiss after oral sex?

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