Top 3 Blowjob Mistakes
Monday, September 8th, 2008A blowjob is a man’s other best friend; the friend you don’t introduce mom to, but who you’d rather be with anytime. If this is news to you, ladies, then read on for the top 3 blowjob mistakes people make, and be prepared to spend some quality time with your man and his “best friend.”
1. Too toothy. We’ve heard some guys say that they like teeth in a blowjob, but those guys are an anomaly. Teeth don’t belong in a blowjob; be cautious and careful with your teeth placement when you go down on a guy.
2. Never incorporating a hand-stroke. Yes, it’s a blowjob, but incorporating a nice stroking motion into your blowjob increases the pleasure 300%. Get a hold of him along the base, and focus your oral efforts towards the top.
3. Lack of enthusiasm. No male will every say no to a blowjob, under any circumstance. But if you’re not into it - if you aren’t going down on your partner because you WANT to have his cock in your mouth - then he is going to know. Get into the groove - LOVE the act, don’t just perform the act.
When it comes to blowjobs, these are the top mistakes the giver can make, but there are also mistakes the receiver makes too. Guys, master blowjob etiquette, and your partner will be more than happy to go down on you.