Tit for Tat When It Comes to Oral Sex?

Do you like performing and/or receiving oral sex?

Veronica: I like performing oral sex on people that I trust and really like as a person; I’m not so big on the receiving part.

Doug: Yes, and yes.

Tara: For the right guy, I absolutely love performing oral sex. Honestly, if he doesn’t appreciate it or return the favor, I won’t be giving any. And yes, I absolutely love receiving.

Would you date someone who didn’t go down on you?

Veronica: Sure I would; I’m not sure if it’d be a long- term thing; eventually you have to be able to experience a lot of foreplay, and oral is part of that.

Doug: Probably, and it would bother me, but by the time I realized they never did it, it would be too late/awkward to bring it up.

Tara: It would really depend. If he understood that no going down on me means there would be no going down on him, I think things would be fine for awhile. The bottom line is I would probably get bored so I doubt that I’d be seeing him for very long.

Is it fair to expect oral sex in relationships?

Veronica: Yes. It’s one of the most intimate things you can do with a person!

Doug: Yes.

Tara: Absolutely, if you’re willing to give as well as receive.


#1 Savannah on 06.16.09 at 12:51 pm

Sorry guys I totally missed this one so I am weighing in late. I think oral sex is an important part of all relationships and it’s always more fun to give and receive. If oral sex is not something you are interested in you should tell your partner before things get hot and heavy. That way there are no surprises or expectations.

#2 Holly Page on 06.17.09 at 11:49 am

You guys pretty unanimously think oral sex should be part of a relationship. While I would want it to be part of MY relationships, I don’t think anyone should be pressured into sex acts that they don’t enjoy, including oral sex.

That said, I like Savannah’s point about being upfront about what you expect, and what you’re not comfortable with. And a little open-mindedness in a trusting sexual relationship never hurts.

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